mardi 1 mai 2012


All along the Ages, we always were ready to fight eachother...

But you have to realized today :
Division is Power, don't you see? Don't you understand ? Ask yourself why They want a War of God against Allah? Different words for the same Great Force, The Universe, Mother Nature...

So look up and see what They want Us to hide...

Whatever our seeming differences, we have to listen to our common inside melody.

Could you hear the Call, deep inside your heart? That strong and strange hunger which eat into you...

You are somebody we have to know, cause alltogether we will make a better place.

Know deeply You are One of us, We are the Peace Silent Army. We are several, We are everywhere, We are Unvisible and We will change our World!

World could you hear the steps of our Silent Peacefull Army on March, striding along to Peace ?